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I'm Jeffrey Wells and I'm a Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner (GCFP) in Minneapolis, MN. I’ve spent the last 15 years in the field of contemporary performance as a choreographer, dancer, maker, educator, collaborator, director, and administrator. I came to Feldenkrais at a time in my life when I was questioning who I was becoming. I felt like I had spent a lot of time and energy trying to live up to external expectations, and I wasn’t sure what I wanted anymore. Building on my long experience in somatic methodologies, improvisational performance, and dance, Feldenkrais became a way for me to uncover aspects of myself that were not being tended to; ways of being that I had forgotten. The method continues to broaden and deepen an image of myself that is informed not only by my context, my history, and the beings that shape me, but also by how I feel internally, my own sense of desire, and my capacity for learning and changing.


I find a lot of joy and excitement in sharing the Feldenkrais Method with people. In my classes and sessions I practice active listening, strive to create caring and supportive environments, and bring a sense of levity and humor to the work. I am deeply interested in the relational aspects of Feldenkrais and believe I am always co-creating with my clients.


I completed my 4-year Feldenkrais Practitioner Training Program in Santa Fe, NM under the close guidance of Educational Director Diana Razumny and guest trainers Carol Kress, Katrin Smithback, and Thomas Farnbacher. During my training I also had the opportunity to study with excellent practitioners Olena Nitefor, Robert Sussuma, Prisca Winslow, Efrem Razumny, and was influenced by the teachings of the late Dennis Leri.




The following are service marks, trademarks, collective, or certification marks of the Feldenkrais Guild® of North America in the US: Feldenkrais Guild®, Feldenkrais®, Feldenkrais Method®, Functional Integration®, Awareness Through Movement®, Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher®, GCFT(CM), and Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner(CM). 


© 2021 by Jeffrey Wells

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